Research to Publication is a research methodology and publishing programme specifically designed for doctors and healthcare researchers, developed by BMJ in collaboration with University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). The programme, made up of 8 multimedia courses, is focused entirely on healthcare research. BMJ’s research editors and UCSF’s academics, guide learners through the entire process from designing a study, to seeing it published in an international journal. Interactive self-study modules give learners the skills necessary to conduct investigations and overcome the challenges associated with getting published in international journals.

8 Courses

Understanding and avoiding scientific misconduct

Scientific misconduct, authorship and conflict of interest Learning outcomes: Describe the purpose of and criteria for authorship Explain how disputes over authorship might be prevented and/or resolved Define conflicts of interest Discuss how failure of reproducibility may indicate scientific misconduct

Submitting research to a journal and achieving publication

Navigating journal and peer review processes Learning outcomes: Key points to consider when choosing a journal Tips on choosing between local, and national, and international journals What the term “indexed journal” means Measures of impact, particularly journal impact factor

Special considerations for conducting clinical trials

Course overview and trial designs Learning outcomes: Define randomized controlled trial Identify three alternative study designs to randomized controlled trials Identify five reasons for not conducting randomized controlled clinical trials Identify four reasons for conducting randomized controlled clinical trials

Picking the best study designs and methods

Study design Learning outcomes: Observational Studies Define cohort studies Distinguish between prospective and retrospective cohorts Explain the nested case-control design and strategy Describe the multiple-cohort design Define cross-sectional studies Explain why cross-sectional studies yield weaker evidence for causality than cohort studies

Making the best start to your research and publishing

How to write and publish a study protocol: overview Learning outcomes: Understand different meanings of the term “protocol” Communicate the value of planned research Appreciate the characteristics of a good research question Match research questions to appropriate study designs

How to write research papers that can be trusted and used

Reporting statistical methods and analyses Learning outcomes: Report statistical methods and analyses clearly Follow the Statistical Analyses and Methods in the Published Literature (SAMPL) guidelines on reporting statistics Better understand journal resources and policies on statistical methods

Ensuring and reporting research ethics

Ethical considerations in research Learning outcomes: Discuss a brief history of research oversight Review ethical principles and federal regulations Explain institutional review board (IRB) approval Define informed consent Discuss scientific misconduct, authorship, conflicts of interest, and ethical issues in specific types of research

Developing and reporting good research questions

Course introduction and the research question Learning outcomes: Identify and describe the characteristics of a good research question Explain three key ingredients for developing a research question Name and briefly describe the FINER criteria Describe several sources from which good research questions arise